Detection and Analysis of Energy Consumption at TRON gGmbH


TRON gGmbH aims to effectively detect the energy consumption of its devices and analyze it in correlation with external factors such as door openings and ambient temperatures. The goal is to optimize energy usage, which includes adjustments in usage patterns as well as the replacement of older devices.


As a first step, the essentim Sustainability Kit was deployed, consisting of five sensors (spot) for measuring ambient temperature and door openings, as well as five power monitoring sensors (smart power meters). These sensors were installed on devices such as freezers, incubators, and other equipment to collect relevant data. The sensors continuously measure power consumption, ambient temperature, and door openings. The collected data is transmitted via an LTE gateway to Labforward’s Laboperator Cloud. Once uploaded, the data is converted into an Excel format and sent to the sustainability team. To comply with IT policies, all transferred data is permanently deleted from the Laboperator Cloud after the testing period.
"With the essentim Sustainability Kit, we can precisely measure and analyze our energy consumption. The sensors provide continuous data that helps us identify correlations between our devices and external factors."

Laboratory and facility management

Tron gGmbH


The sustainability team analyzes the data to correlate device energy consumption with external factors such as door openings and ambient temperatures. By utilizing essentim sensors, TRON gGmbH gains valuable insights into energy consumption detection and analysis, enabling informed decision-making regarding sustainability and efficiency improvements.


With these insights, TRON gGmbH plans to implement targeted measures to optimize energy usage and potentially replace older devices with more sustainable alternatives.

Sustainability in the LaB Is a Team Effort:

NIUB – Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, Labforward, and essentim offer a comprehensive package for your sustainable laboratory. With the Ecomapping™ method developed by Dr. Kerstin Hermuth-Kleinschmidt at Niub Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, you lay the foundation for greater sustainability. 

Together, we create a tailored action plan that guides you step by step from planning measures to successful implementation.
Thanks to the collaboration with essentim and Labforward, you can accurately capture and analyze your energy consumption. Our sensors collect relevant data, which is processed using